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Solicitors warned to attend hearings - Case studies

This case study describes when the High Court threw out a challenge from a solicitor who was struck off in their absence.

Conflict of interest - Case studies

To be read in conjunction with our conflicts of interest guidance.

Adequate and appropriate indemnity insurance - Case studies

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on adequate and appropriate indemnity insurance.

Unfair discrimination - Case studies

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Sexual harassment - Case studies

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on the SRA’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Acting without integrity - Case study

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on acting with integrity.

Making payments from the compensation fund - Guidance

We operate a fund for making grants to people whose money has been stolen, misappropriated, has not been accounted for by a regulated person or those who have suffered a loss against which a regulated person should have been insured under our rules, but was not.