News from the Board

Reflections on our July Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 15 July 2024

This month's Board was in Cardiff. In the evening, the Counsel General, Mick Antoniw joined us and our many guests from consumer groups, charities, government and the profession.

Reflections on our June Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 01 July 2024

Two years' ago, CILEX formally approached us about redelegating regulation of CILEX members to the SRA. Since then, we have carried out two consultations, and the Board has been scrutinising what this change would mean in practise.

Reflections on our May Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 20 May 2024

Our strategy establishes a defining purpose for everything we do: driving confidence and trust in legal services. A fundamental part of our role as a Board is having oversight of the SRA's work and making sure it is performing well and delivering against our strategy. The focus of this meeting was the first six months of the new strategy.

Reflections on our March Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 22 March 2024

Our Board this month was in Exeter, with our discussion focused on education and training.

Reflections on the January 2024 Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 31 January 2024

The SRA's new strategy establishes a defining purpose for everything we do: driving confidence and trust in legal services. This month's Board discussions were focused on just this.

Reflections on our December Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 14 December 2023

In this month's blog, I wanted to reflect on two in-depth discussions we had about areas that are fundamental to how we regulate: our investigation processes and approach to consumer protection.

Reflections on our October Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 25 October 2023

The focus of this month's board meeting was in-depth, informal workshops to explore longer term issues for regulation of the legal sector.

Reflections on our September Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 14 September 2023

One of our most important jobs as a Board is to make sure we have the right strategy. At our meeting, we considered feedback on our new proposed strategy for 2023 – 2026. It was great to see such extensive, rich feedback.

Reflections on our July Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 21 July 2023

This month's Board was in Newcastle – our second meeting 'away' this year following our visit to Leeds. We took the opportunity to speak with more than 50 stakeholders from across the north east and some members of the public.

Reflections on our 27 June Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 29 June 2023

We had an extra Board meeting in June so that we could discuss the feedback from our three-year strategy and business plan consultation and approve the SRA budget requirement for 2024.

Reflections on our June Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 09 June 2023

Our June Board meeting was a quarterly monitoring session, so we looked at our operational and financial performance, delivery against our business plan and the strategic risk register.

Reflections on our April Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 28 April 2023

Discussions on our future corporate strategy for 2023-26 which will deepen our work on tech and innovation and put more emphasis on using data and insight to help focus our activity and wider policy debates.

Reflections on our March Board meeting, 16 March 2023

This month's Board was a quarterly monitoring meeting where we explore operational and financial performance, delivery against our business plan and look at the strategic risk register.

Reflections on our February Board meeting, 02 March 2023

The Legal Services Consumer Panel challenged us to think critically about the extent to which our approach to regulation is consumer focused and asked to consider leading more collaboration among legal regulators.

Reflections on our January Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 03 February 2023

Our first formal meeting of the calendar was held to conclude the Board’s work on three recent consultations – consumer protection for post six-year negligence, the publication of regulatory decisions, and the implementation arrangements for financial penalties.

Reflections on our December Board - Anna Bradley, 08 December 2022

This was our final meeting of the calendar year and we began by receiving an independent review of our Board effectiveness. An important piece of reflection which will see us making some tweaks to the way we do things.

Reflections on our October Board meeting in Birmingham, 24 October 2022

SRA board meeting in Birmingham - altogether a really productive set of discussions about legal issues informed by local insights.

Reflections on our September Board – Anna Bradley, 14 September 2022

News from the board - Our Board came together yesterday for our quarterly virtual meeting and we were delighted to welcome solicitor Nicola Williams to her first session with us as a full member after some months as an observer.

Reflections on our July Board – Anna Bradley, 20 July 2022

Our July Board meeting should have been in Leeds but sadly the weather defeated us and we have had to rearrange our visit. But we had a busy agenda nonetheless, starting with a workshop discussion on next steps on the Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF) and post six year run off cover (PSYROC).

Reflections on our June Board - Anna Bradley, 14 June 2022

Regular readers will know how seriously we take the issue of money laundering. It is far from a victimless crime – supporting, as it does, the activities of terrorists, people smugglers and drug traffickers.

Reflections on our Cardiff Board meeting, 03 May 2022

The pandemic means that it is three years since our Board last met in Wales. So I was delighted to be able to return to Cardiff this month.

Reflections on our Birmingham Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 12 April 2022

This month's meeting was the first at our refurbished Birmingham office. The switch to hybrid working meant we needed to revamp our office layout to major on collaboration and networking and the Board were fortunate to be able to see the new layout on only the second full day of operation.

Reflections on our March Board - Anna Bradley, 28 March 2022

This month’s blog focuses on the invasion of Ukraine. The Board has been kept up-to-date with the action the SRA has been taking over the last month, but this was the first chance we have had to discuss the issues together.

Reflections on our January Board - Anna Bradley, 04 February 2022

Our Board started 2022 with a face-to-face meeting. I hope this is a good sign for the future! It certainly meant we were able to properly welcome our two new Board members – Lisa Mayhew, Co-Chair of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, and Nicola Williams, who is Legal and Compliance Director and Company Secretary of Welsh Water.

Reflections on our December Board - Anna Bradley, 09 December 2021

Our final Board meeting of 2021 was a busy one. Coming so close after our November Compliance Officers Conference in Birmingham, and the week of virtual events that followed it.

Reflections on our October Board meeting - Anna Bradley, 25 October 2021

Since lockdown last year I have really missed the opportunity to get away from the screen and talk to people face to face.

Reflections on our September Board – Anna Bradley, 20 September 2021

The SRA Board held a quarterly monitoring meeting this week. Here we explored operational and financial performance, delivery against our business plan and looked at the strategic risk register.

Reflections on our June Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 10 June 2021

Our June meeting was a real landmark - the first meeting of the Board since SRA Ltd  started regulating as a distinct legal entity within the Law Society Group on the 1st of June.

Reflections on our April Board meeting – Anna Bradley, 05 May 2021

One of our most important tasks as a Board is to make sure the current and future activities of the SRA are the right ones. That means we need to keep our 'finger on the pulse' of what is happening in the sector.

Reflections on our March Board - Anna Bradley, 11 March 2021

One of the perennial preoccupations for all boards is whether we are focusing resources on the 'right' things. An important part of this is checking in with stakeholders on what is being planned.

Reflections on our January Board - Anna Bradley, 28 January 2021

I was delighted to be joined by four new members for our first Board meeting of the year. Ann, Dermot, Elizabeth and Vikas all bring expertise and fresh perspectives to the table.

Reflections on October Board Meeting - Anna Bradley, 22 October 2020

One of the key components of the work of any board is the opportunity to really get to grips with the complexities of the day to day work of the organisation.

Reflections on September Board - Anna Bradley, 18 September 2020

It is now six months since lockdown measures were first introduced as a result of Covid-19. We have all had to adapt and evolve the way we work and the Board had a useful discussion about both the impact of the pandemic on our operational work and on the profession and sector more widely.

Reflections - Dr Peter Higson, 02 September 2020

At the time I applied to become a member of the Board I had recently finished a five-year appointment as the Chair of a Health Board in Wales.

Reflections - Selina Ullah, 02 September 2020

Through my voluntary and community work I was aware of the impact legal services have on the lives of people and especially vulnerable groups and the importance of access to services and justice.

Reflection - Tony Williams, 02 September 2020

Getting out of the way is in my view a priority for a modern regulator and doing that effectively means harnessing the views of a range of people.